Amaya Hotel Civil Lines i Bareilly

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienAmaya Hotel Civil Lines



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35A, Civil Lines, Chowki Chouraha, Prabha Talkies Road, Rampur Garden, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh 243001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 581 297 0101
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Latitude: 28.348492, Longitude: 79.421426

kommentar 5

  • Shashwat Lahiri

    Shashwat Lahiri


    Rooms were clean. Food was good. However, the room service was a little delayed.

  • en

    Utkarsh Jain


    Reception staff seems unprofessional and washroom are cabins and even have trouble in unlocking the room door there is no valet parking ,though the room interiors are soothing. Hygiene is not well maintained bathroom towels are in dirt same goes for the bedsheets. No proper water supply. Electricity fluctuation. No looking mirror in outspace room. Untrained house keeping staff. They're charging 60 indian rupees for a bottle of water( actual prize Rs.20) Breakfast waa quite good.

  • en

    Amit Garg


    Poor rooms poor quality of stuff and service is 3rd class. Avoid at all cost. Better to sleep on station waiting room rather then checking in. May God close u down

  • Ravi Choudhary

    Ravi Choudhary


    A budget hotel. Good location. Decent food but very poor service. Better options are available in the city.

  • en

    abhishek tewari


    The hotel stay was comfortable. Mr vikas was very helpful and courteous. Rooms are decent. Food is great. A good experience

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