Bibi Ka Maqbara i Aurangabad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienBibi Ka Maqbara


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Begumpura, Aurangabad, Maharashtra 431004, India
kontakter telefon: +91 240 240 0620
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Latitude: 19.9014599, Longitude: 75.3202216

kommentar 5

  • Vanzi The Sniper

    Vanzi The Sniper


    Good place to know about history. Hope the Management keep it safe.. and secure.. from the tourist... The value of love and the maddness of kings to words a lady in the history.... You will get to see




    Nice place for photography or visiting many people's go there and enjoy too much there fee is 15-20rs per person It look awesome place very cleanliness nearby and there are many markets nearby for travellers also logding facility little away from it

  • swapnil shendge

    swapnil shendge


    It's very nice Historical Place in Aurangabad city. Very good & ideal example of Civil Engineering. Very nice Mango Garden around the monument. White colour improves the quality of this monument. It's best tourist place in Aurangabad.

  • Abhijeet Jadhav

    Abhijeet Jadhav


    This a nice place to visit. This copy of TajMahal and this is made by same format but in very small structure. You can visit here by Auto from ST Bus stand near about 50 rupees charge and you can book Can also.

  • Sahil Makkar

    Sahil Makkar


    Its good as historical site and looks beautiful. But you'll need to have time and patience to visit this as the ticket window is overly crowded, specially in the months of December and January. Not sure about intensity of crowd at other times. But it deserves a visit if you could spare some extra time. Make sure of provisioning extra time for purchase of ticket.

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