Budget Inn Bellevue i Surat

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienBudget Inn Bellevue



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Near Railway Station, Opposite Railway Parcel Office,, Sumul Dairy Road, Suryapur Gate, Varachha, Surat, Gujarat 395008, India
kontakter telefon: +91 261 253 2121
internet side: www.hotelbellevuesurat.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 21.209129, Longitude: 72.839709

kommentar 5

  • Lomash Relia

    Lomash Relia


    Loved it. It's a good place for accomodation. Services are available and are fast. You can surely get help and information for the city touring and other stuffs.

  • Vishal Nidhalkar

    Vishal Nidhalkar


    Though it is old fashioned with old styled elevator, the hotel provides a very warm and friendly atmosphere. Food is really good and rooms are bigger in size than other hotels in the station area. Cleanliness is decent.

  • Laukik Bajpai

    Laukik Bajpai


    A perfectly pleasant stay! Everything was way above expectations. We booked an Executive room and when we reached, they gave us an upgraded Superior room complimentary! the cleanliness inside the room and in the entire property was commendable! The staff was warm and helpful all the time, loved the breakfast as well with good number of options, good quality as well. Also, hot water available round the clock. Totally Recommended, and without a doubt staying here anytime in the city!

  • qaidzoher tambawala

    qaidzoher tambawala


    A great place to stay. Away from the crowd. Well done and aesthetic interiors in the rooms. Helpful staff who go out of the way to provide you homely care and attention. Excellent and varied breakfast everyday. What more could one ask for.?

  • Lalita Chaturvedi

    Lalita Chaturvedi


    Fantastic place to stay. Maximum needs were kept in mind. The staff is absolutely generous. And no doubt the food was of finest quality and variety of breakfast is significant..... The only point of improvement is they can use suitable foot towels to enhance concern about nature.. Thanks....

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