Chandra Inn i Jodhpur

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienChandra Inn



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Airport Rd, Air Force Area, Air Force Area, Jodhpur, Rajasthan 342001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 291 267 0583
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Latitude: 26.266431, Longitude: 73.038535

kommentar 5

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    Amandeep Singh


    It was a pathetic experience. rooms are old and stinking.There is no privacy, noises from adjacent room is clearly heard. A budget hotel with minimal facilities, visit only if you do not have any other option, which are aplenty in the neighborhood. Food also not too great,plain and ordinary.

  • Rakesh Dagar

    Rakesh Dagar


    Very good food of this hotel and spacious with meet and clean Rooms good and extra care of our guest.

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    Kalyan Lahiri


    Stayed in the hotel. Service is awesome. Location is an added bonus.

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    Harsh Deora


    Possibly the worst hotel ever: 1. BED Bugs everywhere. Photo submitted as evidence. 2. Had to change hotel at 2pm in night. Bed bugs bit everywhere. 3. No laundry ir press service. 4. People as laid back as can be. Breakfast takes hours to come. 5. Bed sheets or mattresses not changed in years. Blood stains everywhere. Overall only in India can such hotels exist as they would be banned on health concerns only.

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    Shashi Kumar Singh


    Pathetic place. Hotel staff is very suspicious. They keep track on your activities and once you leave your room they try to steal your belongings. Rs 2500/- stolen. I told manager about the issue but no action taken. Incident in detail: We have stayed in two rooms(3rd floor) four persons(including my wife, defence family) We were checking out at 11am. As we are regular traveller we leave room key in the room. The staff told us that room key is missing. I told them please search the room properly. They told us to search our bags. We (four persons) search the room and our bags 4-5 times in front of staff but we haven't found the room key. We taken out our all clothes and belongings from the bags and shown to the staff that we don't have the room key in our bags (pathetic experience ever in my life). It has taken approximately 1hour. They told us to pay 2000/- as a fine. Meanwhile My wife told me that one person from cleaning staff was constantly watching our activities and we told this to the manager he said "the cleaning guy is mentally challenged please ignore him" When we searched the room sixth time we have found our wallet in the bathroom in open condition. The wallet had only cards and defence ID (we have searched same bathroom five times before). We were shocked and complaint about this. Then at the same time the staff has found the room key also from the same room we have searched for 5 times before. That was really suspicious for all of us As we approach manager again he shown us CCTV footage(gallery only) after half an hour after complaint and it was shown in the footage that hotel staff has entered in the room in our presence and in our absence also. But neither he called the staff in front of us nor he let us to speak to cleaning staff. He constantly defending his staff. He was not thought once that how is it possible that the key was in the room and we were not able to find it including his senior staff we got to know that they make money this way We had to leave for Jaipur so we let the matter go. On the way to Jaipur we had the found that 2500/- was missing from my wife's purse. This post is for the travellers not for the hotel as hotel staff has not shown any interest for improvement including manager.

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