Courtyard by Marriott Bhopal i Bhopal

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IndienCourtyard by Marriott Bhopal



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DB City, Arera Hills, Zone-I, Maharana Pratap Nagar, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 462011, India
kontakter telefon: +91 755 309 6444
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Latitude: 23.233064, Longitude: 77.4295736

kommentar 5

  • en

    Parikshat Srivastava


    Excellent place to stay in Bhopal. Hotel is modern with a good positive feel. Excellent in room service, courteous and ever smiling staff and good eating options to explore. It's इंटर connected with the biggest mall of Bhopal - DB Mall.

  • Being Honest

    Being Honest


    One of best hotels in Bhopal. Great food & stay. Ambience of hotel is also nice. Located at great location near db mall a well known place. Staff is really polite & supportive.

  • Santosh Sadhale

    Santosh Sadhale


    Superb hotel. Prime location. Nice interiors in the hotel & inside room as well. Modern facilities, very good food, huge breakfast spread (and tasty too). Courteous staff. Highly recommended if you are visiting Bhopal.

  • Jayasankar Variyar

    Jayasankar Variyar


    An excellent place to stay. Coffee is good and they have fresh juices. Ambience is very good as expected from a Marriott. Entrance is a bit small. The staff are courteous and very helpful.

  • vibhor shukla

    vibhor shukla


    It's not wrong to say that Courtyard Marriott is indeed the best hotel in Bhopal as on date. Noor-us-Sabah is anytime inferior to it. Let's start with the room service, in courtyard you get anything within a minute after when you asked the reception but in NUS it's not like that. Rooms for two people at courtyard are much more spacious than rooms at NUS. I have shared the pictures of both the hotels earlier wherein it can easily be checked. Breakfast at courtyard has a lot more variety than that of NUS. Swimming Pool of courtyard is too better placed and well maintained than that of NUS etc etc

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