Creme n Crisp i New Delhi

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IndienCreme n Crisp



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97, Bangla Sahib Road, Gole Market, New Delhi, Delhi 110001, Indie
kontakter telefon: +91 11 2336 5126
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Latitude: 28.6328722, Longitude: 77.2084134

kommentar 5

  • Bhanu Priya Vyas

    Bhanu Priya Vyas


    The place looks very beautiful. Everything that is on the menu has been meticulously planned and prepared to perfection. There is bit something for everyone. You enter the place and you know you'd be taken care of. Might catch the owner walking around if you're lucky.

  • viji vijayan

    viji vijayan


    its great. I got my son's tier cake done from there - a cashew nut base. Received lots of compliments. They are veg only. But I am a non veg and I love cakes with eggs. But for veg - creme n crisp will be a delightful experience

  • Nikita Gautam

    Nikita Gautam


    All time favourite. They provide very different flavours of cakes and pastries. They have a good variety of chocolates too. And their snacks are lip smacking.

  • Papari Saikia

    Papari Saikia


    This place is cheap and good. They have varieties of chocolates which you can taste and then order. Cakes and pastries are good. Tried white forest cake, fudge brownie, cup cakes and cheese roll with a hot red wine tea, which is their winter special. 5 minutes walk from gurudwara Bangla sahib. They also have varieties of breads and cookies.

  • Shailendra Vijayvergia

    Shailendra Vijayvergia


    Amazing Bakery. Heaven for vegetarians. Whether you are looking for a fantastic mouth watering, soft & delicious cake or want to change your taste bud by trying variety of pastries, do not miss Creme n Crisp. One thing which makes my experience unique at Creme n Crisp, whatever you find tempting and want to try, you do not need to spend money. Simply request, available staff to taste it and if you find the taste the way you expected, you can take out your wallet. There are snacks also available, so if you want to grab a snack like veg wrap or grill sandwich other than red/white pasta - you can try it. Having thin crust pizza without onion or garlic will also surprise you.

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