Ginger Hotel Jamshedpur i Jamshedpur

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IndienGinger Hotel Jamshedpur



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Plot no 678 & 1008, Opposite Voltas Building,, Bistupur Main Road, Bistupur, South Park, Bistupur, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand 831001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 657 666 3333
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 22.787319, Longitude: 86.184643

kommentar 5

  • Pramit Debmallik

    Pramit Debmallik


    Food was decent. There were some issues with the room. The bathroom was not operating properly, the temperature and mode of the air conditioner could not be changed as the remote provided as well as the switches on the body of the AC were inoperative. Location of the hotel is excellent, near the station and close to the Bistupur Market.

  • nikhil jain

    nikhil jain


    A place quite approachable from railway station , bus stand. It has all the basic amenities and with hot water, soaps, shampoos, towels, conditioner. In room they will give you kettle with the tea and coffee accessories. They give 2 bottles a day of water. The food quality is okay and the breakfast is included in your package. The other facilities like gym is also there. On demand you can ask iron and ironing table. Teh taxi service is also there. they have smoking rooms.

  • Kishore Mahata

    Kishore Mahata


    Ginger hotel is biggest hotel in Jamshedpur for room only.. There are 95 room in hotel.. Only one restaurant and room service facility. Food charge not excessive.. Restaurant food quality is very good and service also good. All staff behaviour is very good.. Bt guest is not good.

  • Tarun Gupta

    Tarun Gupta


    Excellent place to stay for business travellers. Rooms are spacious along with all basic amenities. Food is good.. buffet spread is sufficient as well. Lots of parking space as well. Best part, this is located in heart of city at Bistupur

  • Sujoy Dey

    Sujoy Dey


    Nice food served here. The location is awesome. This place is easily noticeable from traffic. The environment of this place is fair enough. You will feel comfortable here. Worth to visit this place. You will definitely like that area. You can visit this place with your family and children also.

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