Hotel Accolade i Ahmedabad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienHotel Accolade



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Opp.Gujarat College, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380006, India
kontakter telefon: +91 79 2656 1016
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Latitude: 23.0229532, Longitude: 72.5673836

kommentar 5

  • hiren khuman

    hiren khuman


    My guests loved the stay, especially the morning breakfast. Rooms were clean and tidy, but bit too small..

  • fenil panwala

    fenil panwala


    Location is good but service is bit slow

  • STUDIO8 Ahmedabad

    STUDIO8 Ahmedabad


    Very good budget hotel with host of amenities that are equivalent to Star Category of the hotel with all modern and contemporary facilities. The Hotel has a wide choice of rooms and has a veg. only restaurant also that serves quality cuisines like Punjabi, Chinese, South Indian, Continental and more. The hotel is located in the city center and has access to all main locations and business hubs of the city. The tariff is very cost effective. Rooms are clean and spacious.

  • Haresh Shah

    Haresh Shah


    The overall feel at the hotel is satisfying. We find a calm atmosphere in the hotel and also the staff is very polite, supportive and we'll mannered. The ambience is nice and the rooms are also well maintained. Food quality can be improved but we get good decent food and quantity is also good.

  • Ali Jhaver

    Ali Jhaver


    My room had roaches, enough said. I've been staying here for years and never had issues. But this time around it was a lot more dirtier. Also they started doing drill work in the night time which was difficult to sleep with. Imagine a jackhammer going off in the middle of the night. Also the toilet seats didn't fit the toilet so when you sat on it you were practically sitting on the toilet itself. Not hygienic at all. Lastly the towels looked dirty and unwashed. The breakfast was good and so was the service. Would not recommend this place.

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