Hotel Central Excellency i Surat

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IndienHotel Central Excellency



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Sufibaug, Sufi Baug, Railway Station Area, Varachha, Surat, Gujarat 395003, India
kontakter telefon: +91 98982 42902
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Latitude: 21.2044237, Longitude: 72.839315

kommentar 5

  • en

    Shubham Tarsaria


    Really good place if you compare rates and facilitys to other nearby hotels. I had a good time

  • Rohan Matta

    Rohan Matta


    They only give 500ml bottle of water everyday. I expect at least 1L bottle, if not two like the other hotels do. Otherwise the hotel is good, walking distance from railway station and service is good too. Restaurant is very pocket friendly.

  • en

    harsh mital


    If this is a 3 star property then I wonder what about 2 star or below category hotels. Lift is not working. In such hot day they serve hot watet for drinking. Rooms are not matching with 3 star hotel category.

  • Sanjay Jayadevanna

    Sanjay Jayadevanna


    The amenities are not adequate, the rooms and Bathroom are clean. The hotel is good but can be improved with bit of effort. The main draw back according to me is the location, next to Bus stand with lot of noise through out the day and late night.

  • en

    Chetan Mota


    Absolutely not worth anything. I rather stay at a lodge. There are at least two dozen hotels in the vicinity, hence no shortage of competition. My room had a lot of cockroaches everywhere including the bathroom. The room floor never felt clean and always sticky. There was also a unpleasant smell in the corridors on the way to my room and overall zero stars for cleanliness. Luckily the breakfast was satisfactory. I didn't dare to try the hotel restaurant for dinner so cannot comment about that. Try other hotels in the vicinity when you visit Surat and may need to stay near the railway station.

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