Hotel Saj Luciya i Thiruvananthapuram

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IndienHotel Saj Luciya



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Mahathma Gandhi Road, Nr Padmanaba Temple, East Fort, Fort, East Fort, Pazhavangadi, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695023, India
kontakter telefon: +91 471 246 3443
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Latitude: 8.481289, Longitude: 76.9470453

kommentar 5

  • en



    Near to the temple. Classy hotel but it is under renovation and therefore be ready to face some inconvenience. Slightly expensive.

  • Akhil Das Mohanadas

    Akhil Das Mohanadas


    Really sad to say!! Very worst service!! Went with friends for a dinner, the restaurant waiter directed to local bar!! Guess he only know all people come to BAR not for dinning!! Came with better concept destroyed in a single second. Please train your staff! It's happened just couples of hours before this review. Please watch the CCTV and find for yourself!! Worst service

  • en



    Very good location for having enjoyment and time pass in the heart of the city... you can have beer or even vodka or brandy or whiskey ...whatever you choose...and enjoy yourself alone or with company...!!!

  • Aravind Iyer

    Aravind Iyer


    Not a very new establishment, very close to the AnanthaPadmanabha swamy temple. Located in fort area. Rooms were clean and comfortable. Air-conditioning needs maintenance, sometimes your room turns into a cold storage. Automated controls are available, you can almost control the lights, fans and window shutters from the control panel available next to the bed. Corridor needs to maintained clean. Over all good and helpful staff.

  • Sai Dheeraj S

    Sai Dheeraj S


    The hotel is under renovation right now that is why you can get the rooms that are available for a very low price for such a big hotel. My personal experiences are: 1. Very very near to the Main temple. So those who stay here no need to worry of keeping all there belongings in a keeping center. 2. Currently it is under renovation so we had faced a lot of issues with the water and power outages in our room. But that was only for our two rooms (I think). 3. If you go to the top floor you eventually go beyond the main temples gopuram (i think so). Thus you can have a clear view of the city.

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