Hotel The Panache i Patna

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IndienHotel The Panache



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West of Ram Gulam Chowk, South Gandhi Maidan, Old Jakkanpur, Raja Ji Salai, Indira Nagar, Patna, Bihar 800001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 612 250 1133
internet side:
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Latitude: 25.61532, Longitude: 85.144006

kommentar 5

  • en

    Anupam Saurabh


    Food was good. More vegetarian appetizers should be there. Pasta station was unmanned for eating fresh pasta. Would have been great if there was some chaat options as well.

  • Aditya Prakash

    Aditya Prakash


    One of the many luxurious hotels in the city it's own cafe, restaurant and banquet hall. Location is just in front of Gandhi Maidan's Gate No. 12 which would be considered as the prime location. Easy to notice from the traffic. The rooms are really spacious will all the basic amenities and facilities. Staffs are really helpful. Food & especially the cafe is really awesome.

  • en

    Aditi Prakash


    Only for the restaurant: Some delicious cuisines... Most are just lacks variety.. unpretentious decor.. Great service.. And reasonable price for the place.. Over all not very impressive

  • Vipin K Gupta

    Vipin K Gupta


    NIce and Luxury Hotel Excellent hotel of this class...newer property and kept extremely clean. Front desk staff is very friendly and welcoming. Breakfast area is spacious and one of the best in Patna.. This stay was during several events in town and they handled groups well. Parking is adequate with some overflow in the back, lower lot. . I'll highly recommend to others when in the area.

  • Apoorv Devgiree

    Apoorv Devgiree


    One of the best hotels in the state capital. I really found it beautiful. It consists of two banquet halls for marriage function, 300 rooms, Conference rooms and in each floor it consists at least two or three Presidential Suite. There is also a party ball area known as The Step Up. The hotel is comparatively expensive but you will not regret the investment. The most important part is that it is only hotel which is available with Valet parking service. All the staff are very courteous and helping.

nærmeste Cafe

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