Hotel Vijay Shree Deluxe i Patna

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IndienHotel Vijay Shree Deluxe



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Exhibition Road, Ali Nagar Colony, Salimpur Ahra, Golambar, Patna, Bihar 800001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 77638 06005
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Latitude: 25.61335, Longitude: 85.1439

kommentar 5

  • en

    Nalin Sharmaa


    Aweful, very bad the upgraded room has lowgraded chair. Hotel staff refused to change as This Big Hotel has no spare chair.

  • en

    rohit kumar


    Economical rooms at a very prime location, but needs some work in the washrooms.

  • Vikash Arya

    Vikash Arya


    Well clean and well parking area. High quality cctv here. Best of the location in near Gandhi maidan at exhibition road Patna.

  • Rishabh kumar

    Rishabh kumar


    Good residencial hotel. Almost in mid town. Good food if you are nonveg lover. Rooms are pretty well. Service is not up to the mark.

  • Devshree Gupta

    Devshree Gupta


    The service and the staff are very good and very helpful. we received morning breakfast calls and the housekeeping was excellent. They never said a no for anything. The food in the restaurant is delicious and most of the dairy products are home made and fresh. The location is close to Gandhi Maidan and all other places of interest. The rooms are neat and clean.

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