Hotel Windsor Castle i Aurangabad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienHotel Windsor Castle


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Town Center, Jalgaon Rd, CIDCO, Sector C/3, Town Centre, N 1, Cidco, Aurangabad, Maharashtra 431003, India
kontakter telefon: +91 240 248 4177
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Latitude: 19.8780059, Longitude: 75.3664337

kommentar 5

  • Dhananjai Delmade

    Dhananjai Delmade


    We had a meeting in this hotel,but very disappointed with service,only 60 people was attending meeting,In the month of AC was not enough to cool the hall it was suffocating,paying a good for food they could not be able provide the menu for all people some of the people left their lunch in between due to lack of food. Just show off,it might be best hotel of time.but now it is worse,even toilets and lavatories were smelling bad like you are using bus stand lavatories. Bakwass!!!,😢

  • Shreyas Kulkarni

    Shreyas Kulkarni


    The Hotel was good. Had excellent service and rooms were as expected from a three star hotel.

  • Siddhartha Chidipothu

    Siddhartha Chidipothu


    Good place to stay, had been here couple of times, might encounter some issues due to the recent renovation work in progress.

  • Vyshnavi Culan

    Vyshnavi Culan


    Nice hotel with good service. The food is average and the rooms are spacious and clean. The hotel was under renovation when I was there so it might be better looking by now. Overall it was a good experience.

  • Naman Pandey

    Naman Pandey


    Rooms are good. Breakfast provided is not upto the mark. The only positive side is it's near to the airport.

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