Hotel Windsor i Patna

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienHotel Windsor


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Exhibition road, Fraser Road Area, Patna, Bihar 800001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 612 220 3250
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Latitude: 25.60864, Longitude: 85.141635

kommentar 5

  • Ravi Kumar

    Ravi Kumar


    Nice one and save money




    Just awesome facilities they avail for their customers.... fantastic look Nd awesome room service... Hotel staff deals very nicely with their customers...I give it 4 star bcoz of poor wifi speed..

  • Jnanendra Satapathy

    Jnanendra Satapathy


    A nice budget hotel in the heart of the city. Rooms are neat and clean. Services are up to mark. Food is also very good.

  • en

    Ankit Srivastava


    Nice and comfortable rooms. Neat and tidy too. Actually a good place to stay for business travellers. Correction to the earlier review:- Waiters are too rude and so pathetic that you will feel that you are in some kind of night shelter not in hotel. Very poor service quality. Not acceptable in this business. Actually I think google must add negative star rating options in the review section. You never know when you need them. Note:- Correction review is given after 2 days stay in the hotel.

  • Shobhit Singh

    Shobhit Singh


    Rooms were excellent, spacious and hygienic. Hotel is in prime location, you will get nice view of flyover in front of it, only problem is that it has very less space for parking and the hotel starts from 1st floor so you need to carry your goods till 1st floor. Another problem we faced was that, bellboys were not cooperative as we were carrying more luggage, this happens two times with us with different bellboys,so this is a serious issue there.

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