Jehan Numa Palace Hotel i Bhopal

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IndienJehan Numa Palace Hotel


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157, Shamla Hill, Shymala Hills, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 462013, India
kontakter telefon: +91 755 266 1100
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Latitude: 23.240528, Longitude: 77.3872179

kommentar 5

  • Surender Paul

    Surender Paul


    Jehan Numa Palace is the best luxury hotel at Bhopal. If you want to witness the glimpses of Nawabi Culture of Bhopal you are always welcome here. This hotel is not only famous for the comfortable royal stay, but this is more famous for its restaurants and food. You can taste a variety of Indian and western cuisines here but the most preferred dishes are traditionally cooked Mughalai veg and non veg dishes. The staff is well trained and always happy to serve you with smile.

  • Nikunj Maheshwari

    Nikunj Maheshwari


    This one truly represents the rich heritage of Bhopal. The well preserved palace now converted into a hotel is not only a popular wedding destination but also houses some wonderful restaurants, a bar and a cafe. The service is first class and is also easily accessible with plenty of parking space. It also is a popular destination of a lot of film shoots. If you are in Bhopal, this one is a must go!

  • Neeraj Shrivastava

    Neeraj Shrivastava


    It's a heritage property and situated on the beautiful hill in Bhopal. I would not rate the service offered as excellent due to the cost. The food is good and tasty and the staff is quite polite and friendly.

  • Amrita Sheth

    Amrita Sheth


    1 of the beautiful places to stay at in Bhopal, Hotel is very nice and its a heritage place... They have horses running along in the morning, and the place was quiet scenic to visit in the season of winter.... Its a quiet huge place... Take a look at the pictures I have uploaded :)

  • Sachin Patil

    Sachin Patil


    Treat yourself with a royal experience in Jehan Numa Palace Hotel. This place is neat and clean and exceeded all our expectations. Although, we expected the food to be a little better! The swimming pool is quite good and appealing. It’s a good place for a quiet stay, although avoid staying during marriage seasons as the sounds can high on decibel and the windows and doors are not completely sound proof.

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