Khan Market i New Delhi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienKhan Market


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Sujan Sing Park North, Sujan Singh Park, New Delhi, Delhi 110003, India
kontakter telefon: +91
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Latitude: 28.602151, Longitude: 77.229019

kommentar 5

  • nitin singh

    nitin singh


    This is very good market for people who love shopping. Multiple restaurants & shopping centers are available there.




    What can decide this place this is just awesome have been here twice and experience the same feeling every time that it is just awesome the Every Breath You Take here is just awesome the market is cool and the shops sell good things at cheap prices I was just everyone to have a meet with this place this is really awesome civilians are always active with the police mens

  • Adusumilli Vijay

    Adusumilli Vijay


    Placed in a convenient location,neee to increase frequency and reduce waiting time from 6-4 minutes.

  • en

    Sanchit Jain


    Quite & peaceful. Very less crowd. I visited this station once- there was no one at the ticket counter & I have to buy ticket from machine. Luckily I had notes of lower denomination to pay which that machine accepted. There was another passengers whose note that machine was repeatedly rejecting. Don't know how he managed.

  • Mohit Negi

    Mohit Negi


    I love this metro station. It's always very silent. Some amazing arts are drawn in the metro pillers. It's a good place to sit for some Time.

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