Lemon Tree Hotel, Indore i Indore

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienLemon Tree Hotel, Indore



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3, R.N.T. Road, South Tukoganj, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 731 442 3232
internet side: www.lemontreehotels.com
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Latitude: 22.718008, Longitude: 75.872555

kommentar 5

  • Ramasamy R

    Ramasamy R


    Good place to stay. Breakfast is really excellent. Both south Indian and North Indian food variety are available. Easily Accessible place too with reasonable tariff

  • en

    Sumouleendra Ghosh


    Very nice hotel. Value for money..Good food. Spacious rooms. Best location.

  • Vikas Aggarwal

    Vikas Aggarwal


    The hotel was very good and was at the prime location. There is a mall just right opposite. All the big shops are nearby. The night market sarafa bazaar is also very near. They have got a very basic gym. The breakfast buffet was also good with enough varieties to fill your tummy. The rooms size were very big and very good.

  • Prashant Abhyankar

    Prashant Abhyankar


    A nice place in the heart of the city, good tasting food, great spread at the buffet, good rooms. The restaurant was a bit small in size and posed little bit of problem when two large group tour members arrived at the same time. However, the helping staff eased the things a bit. The one thing I liked the most is their support to differently abled staff. The other staff went out of their way to make sure that these special persons performed well. Hats off!

  • Arhan Sett

    Arhan Sett


    A very nice, well-situated budget hotel with good amenities, a decent gym, lounge and cafe. The breakfast is quite good though the variety is somewhat limited, and a small lounge bar offers libations until 11 pm. The free WiFi is adequate if a little slow, but the staff is friendly and accommodating.

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