Mandi House i New Delhi

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IndienMandi House


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Lady Irwin College, Mandi House, New Delhi, Delhi 110001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 95556 33618
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Latitude: 28.6258991, Longitude: 77.2342957

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kaseenath Rama


    This is the cultural centre of Delhi-NCR. Get down at Mandi House of Blue Line or Violet Line. Come out then you will see a galaxy of Theatres for plays, dance art and culture. Daily shows take place here. Good Tea and snack are available around. DoorDarshan has its office here. Kamani, TRiveni, Aga Khan memorial hall are all located here. Even Bengali Market is very near. Exotic things are available here. Hotel Lalit is also very near. Great place. Well maintained.

  • samdish rana

    samdish rana


    You can go for violet & blue line... easiest route to reach chor Bazar 😂😂

  • Ashu Mishra

    Ashu Mishra


    It's amazing place in Delhi and one of my favourite when ever I get time I visit the place if u r play lover do visit this place . Kamayani auditorium, shriram center, national institute of drama are some place where you can injoy your time by entertaining yourself by watching different sorts of drama tickets are easily available on both online and offline mode. Throuh Bookmyshow you can get the tickets. this place

  • en

    Manohar Pratap


    Nearest metro station of National School of Drama (NSD), Doordarshan Bhavan, Shri Ram Center (SRC),Kamani Auditorium, साहित्य भवन & any more art related place...

  • Arpit Das

    Arpit Das


    Mandi House Metro Station is located near Lady Irwin Collegeand Modern School and falls under Blue and Violet lines. The station is well maintained, but not very big. There are certain outlets which provide snacks and drinks and some ATMs are also present. It is well connected to major stations as well. You can easily find rush at any hour of the day.

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