Maurya Rajadhani i Thiruvananthapuram

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienMaurya Rajadhani


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Statue - General Hospital. Road, Palayam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 471 246 9469
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Latitude: 8.498685, Longitude: 76.946191

kommentar 5

  • en

    SP J


    The star rating is for their Buffet lunch and dinner. It is the best value buffet available in tvm. They usually have around 4 non vegetarian and same vegetarian dishes with 3 desserts. At night the rooftop dinner is a feast 😋

  • aneesh VamadevanNair

    aneesh VamadevanNair


    Its a hotel with the quality of a four star standard. The rooms, staffs toilets are very clean and excellent. The food served has an awsome taste than most of the luxurious hotels. Rooms are good enough for a family with childrens as well. Only negative I feel is no parking space. Hardly four cars can be parked at a time. But they are parking Cars in some other places too.

  • en

    Antique Home Decor


    Really good food with consistent quality. Staffs are courteous. Nice ambience. Our preferred restaurant for family outings any day.




    We had a team dinner in here, suited even if having 20 or 50 + members. Good ambience, tasty foods, live music etc 😍😍. Not much variety in sea foods. Their website says they have bar and cocktail lounge but they won't have such facilities ☹️ .

  • arun krishnan

    arun krishnan


    Good food and ambiance. Nice place for a evening. Roof top restaurant is more live and preferable. Very vide range of food for the buffet which include all varieties of vegetarian and non vegetarian dishes. Good panoramic view and a continuous gentle breeze add to your feel in here. Cost is also manageable. Approach road is little narrow and is a one way road but parking and other requirements is good.

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