Meerut Development Authority i Meerut

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienMeerut Development Authority



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Vikas Bhawan, Civil Lines, Civil Lines Methodist Mission Compound, Sharma Nagar, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh 250001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 121 266 2290
internet side:
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Latitude: 28.9870721, Longitude: 77.7196076

kommentar 5

  • Naveen Raj Bhatia

    Naveen Raj Bhatia


    Nice and cooperative people

  • Shyam Veer Singh

    Shyam Veer Singh


    Ok ok ... Like usual gov office

  • Amit dwivedi

    Amit dwivedi


    Poor Information updated, no one will be answered here. Mr. Sharad from authority computer staff denied to take responsibility for uid card.

  • Abacus Knowledgepark

    Abacus Knowledgepark


    very beautiful infrastructure nearest to Kutchery

  • en

    Godawari Sharma


    MDA do not notify allottes of plots/flats of any development in the area or personal/specific information relating to allotment and further processing . Officers do not attend telephones of allottees ,if attended no action is taken-absolutely non cooperative . Website of Meerut Development Authority do not allow us to create an ID for obtaining information/making requests-always problematic . People living at distance places from Meerut, particularly old persons are rendered help less . Personal visits to Meerut involves thousands rupees . Even during visits officers are either not available or visitors are not allowed to see them

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