Panchmukhi Air & Train Ambulance Services Pvt. Ltd. i Patna

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienPanchmukhi Air & Train Ambulance Services Pvt. Ltd.



🕗 åbningstider

South P Verma Road, 800001, Patna, Patna, IN India
kontakter telefon: +91 85219 59874
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Latitude: 25.611148, Longitude: 85.140164

kommentar 5

  • en

    Dileep Choubey


    THESE ARE CHEATS WHO EXTORT MONEY FROM HELPLESS CUSTOMERS. I paid their ask price without negotiating to save my mothers life. But, I got call from them afterwards asking for more money since they had to land on another airport due to some made up weather problems. They said they wont release the aircraft unless I pay them another 50,000 rupees. Before I could arrange that money my mother expired....they refused to refund my money citing weather problems which is "out of their control". The owner M K Singh was LOUD AND RUDE with me in my grieving period AVOID THEM LIKE A PLAGUE!!!!!

  • kumar puneet

    kumar puneet


    DONT TRUST THE FAKE REVIEWS POSTED here. WORST SERVICE ever. My father DIED at the hands of this so called air ambulance. The owner Mukesh Singh is very rude and starts shouting and arguing and fighting with customers after he has taken your money. PLEASE AVOID at all costs. Dont make the mistake I did by paying these crooks 4 lac rupees only to see my father die.

  • raj kumar

    raj kumar


    Panchmukhi gives the best services in patna save my friend life from patna patna to delhi its gives excellent service Panchmukhi air and train ambulance private limited

  • Harshita Rani

    Harshita Rani


    I am so lucky to choose Panchmukhi air ambulance services from Patna to Mumbai at very low cost. Best medical team support. great work...

  • en

    Prinka Singh Singh


    Excellent air ambulance services. Good medical , very genuine pricing . Highly recommended.

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