Park Plaza Jodhpur i Jodhpur

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IndienPark Plaza Jodhpur



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Panch Batti Circle, 342011, Jodhpur, Jodhpur, IN India
kontakter telefon: +91 291 251 0500
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Latitude: 26.2684362, Longitude: 73.0383211

kommentar 5

  • Rahul Guhathakurta

    Rahul Guhathakurta


    Park Plaza Jodhpur was the part of our Rajasthan Road Trip in 2010 and it was amazingly a best pit-stop for us at Jodhpur, reserved by us at the 11th hour. It is a small luxury boutique hotel situated very near to the Jodhpur Airport and gives 10 minutes drive access to "Unmed Bhavan". Staff is cordial and very pro-active. Food is at par with "Park's" quality. A definitive choice for me on my next trip to "Sun City of India".

  • Surabhi Solanki

    Surabhi Solanki


    Ambience was great. But there were a lot of maintenance issues when we visited the place. AC was not working in the bar. And power cut off was irritating.

  • en

    Gaurav Kumar


    Pool is not ready as per timeline , breakfast is approx. same and options are less. Room is good. Service is good.

  • en

    Amandeep Singh


    The hotel is centrally located and both airport and railway station are nearby.The rooms are decent and the stay is comfortable!! The restaurant is good and buffet has good variety. The swimming pool is an added attraction. Hotel is well maintained and overall a good hotel

  • Nishant Bohra

    Nishant Bohra


    The points which upset me all time is they always have very fewer items available on their menu card. You will not find good quality of liquor in the bar. As they state they are three stars but the minimum waiting time is 30 minutes for a small to a big order. In the bar there are only 2 peoples are available to handle more than 12 tables. They do not offer good service, they do not offer good beer, they do not have any offers like happy hours or ladies night or anything. But yeah this is Jodhpur, so Indian and local Jodhpuri people should not expect good hospitality from them because I guess staff of park plaza is been taught that they have to respect outsiders only.

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