Park Rajadhani i Thiruvananthapuram

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienPark Rajadhani


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Medical College PO, Ulloor Gardens Rd, Ulloor, Ulloor, Ulloor Garden, Ulloor, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695423, India
kontakter telefon: +91 471 244 2627
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Latitude: 8.5300084, Longitude: 76.930081

kommentar 5

  • Bijoy K Philip

    Bijoy K Philip


    Their buffet lunch is really good with a wide spread of veg as well as non veg varieties . It also includes a good selection of sweet dishes. However the buffet area is open with out Ac and in peak summer it can be slightly uncomfortable. Still the buffet lunch here is value for money. They have other Ac dining options also where one can have ala carte.

  • Shaiju B

    Shaiju B


    Provides dinner buffet. The price is affordable. Some dishes are great. But the bread items were poor. The live counters were nice. The dessert was just ordinary. The pudding was good but payasam was poor. Parking available.

  • anoop rs

    anoop rs


    Famous for buffet lunches and dinner. Affordable rate of 300 per head + taxes. Good ambience also.Lot of halls are available including conference halls and mini auditorium. Ideal place for birthday parties and engagement parties. Mini halls can accommodate around 100 people. A/c halls . Outdoor Park area also available. Like other hotels of Rajadhani group, Park Rajadhani s also very good one.

  • Rahul Babu

    Rahul Babu


    The food is good! but the open restaurant on top is just too hot! More ceiling fans need to be in place or they should provide some sort of mechanism to cool the place down! the ambiance is not too great either.

  • Priscilla Dhakal

    Priscilla Dhakal


    I was here with a family for traditional Kerala buffet lunch. It was a good experience. The food tasted good and service was average. It's a nice place to just go eat and relax a bit with friends and families. However, I would suggest to book your seats prior your visit as the nicer, cozy places were reserved for the ones who did. There is also a small playing area for children which is readily accessible to all guests.

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