Patel Chowk i New Delhi

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IndienPatel Chowk


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Sansad Marg, 110001, New Delhi, New Delhi, IN India
kontakter telefon: +91 93118 58950
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Latitude: 28.6232809, Longitude: 77.214478

kommentar 5

  • Pratik Saxena

    Pratik Saxena


    Cycles are also available for rent. It houses the Metro Museum, which opened in 2010. It is near to the Gurudwara Bangla Sahib.The "Delhi Metro Rail Museum" is located at concourse area of this station.[2] This station is used for accessing places like Gurdwara Bangla Sahib,Kerala Bhawan, RML Hospital, Jantar Mantar, YMCA, YWCA and several major Govt offices like Dak Bhawan, Sanchar Bhawan, RBI Delhi, PTI, Yojana Bhawan, Akashvani Delhi, Election Commission of India etc.

  • en

    hemant kumar


    Amazing place near gurudwara Bangla sahib

  • Arpit Das

    Arpit Das


    One of the most well maintained of all the metro stations, Patel Chowk Metro Station also acts as the Metro museum wherein metro models and charts are displayed denoting the legacy, mechanism, effort an efficiency that Delhi Metro has achieved over the years. It is situated on Yellow Line and serves as closest spot to Gole Market Area along Ramakrishna Ashram Marg. The auto service is free for those who wish to go to the nearby Gurudwaras, ie. Rakabganj and Bangla Sahib. Otherwise 10 Rs. Share autos are available from 8am till 8pm for RML hospital.👢

  • Amit Saini

    Amit Saini


    One of the best neat and clean metro station.. There is a metro museum also in the premises.. Centrally located.. Parking space available on both sides of the road.. Parking charge are very reasonable. Parking available 24x7. This metro station is not very crowded as compared to other stations.

  • Anurag Thakur

    Anurag Thakur


    There is doubt to say that this is one the best and well maintained metro station 🚉 in Delhi Metro. It remains less crowded most of the time. The decoration on the first floor makes it perfect place to spend some quality time here. There many museum are near to this metro 🚇 station 🚉.

nærmeste Metrostation

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