Ramakrishna Ashram Marg i New Delhi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienRamakrishna Ashram Marg


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kreshna street, Paharganj, Aram Bagh, Paharganj, New Delhi, Delhi 110001, India
kontakter telefon: +91
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Latitude: 28.6392677, Longitude: 77.2084495

kommentar 5

  • Mayank Gupta

    Mayank Gupta


    Ok station but not fancy like new Delhi or rajiv Chowk

  • titu sharma

    titu sharma


    It is my first experience to ride metro in delhi. Nice systems for riding metro. Good station too.

  • Bharaj's World

    Bharaj's World


    No escalators, maintained well, crowd moderate.. Should you want to go to Paharganj Side of New Delhi railway station You can get down here and take normal rickshaw or e-richshaw from here ... also Get down here for Paharganj, Chunamandi, Panchukian Road Furniture Market .. In Paharganj Market there is famous shop of Sitaram, Dewan Chand is located, Get down here to enjoy yummy Chholia Bhature.

  • en



    Well it's now know for Metro Station but actually u have to come down and see great furniture market , palika palace market, Pahar Ganj Market and also take riksha for SADAR MKT also known for Whole Sale Maket in Delhi etc etc...

  • Ashwani Kumar Sinha

    Ashwani Kumar Sinha


    One of Busiest station of blue line. Neat and clean in starting hours, after peak time cleaning can't be managed due to rush. There is so many shops and hotel under the metro line. Pub, bar, shopping complex, some hospitals are nearby. Frequent metro services available from 5.15am .

nærmeste Metrostation

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