Saatwika Ayurveda Treatment Centre i Thiruvananthapuram

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IndienSaatwika Ayurveda Treatment Centre



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SEKT 41, Kurup's Lane, Sasthamangalam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695010, India
kontakter telefon: +91 471 400 0980
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Latitude: 8.509947, Longitude: 76.969614

kommentar 5

  • en

    Linda Markose


    An excellent centre for traditional Kerala ayurvedic massages.They value the tradition of ayurveda than money making.The centre prescribes relevant treatments only.No manipulation in rates and packages.

  • en

    Naresh Kumar


    An Ayurvedic health centre with effective treatment plans and packages.One of the best ayurvedic hospitals in Trivandrum

  • Navaneeth raj

    Navaneeth raj


    Saatwika is truly excellent, Very much clean & hygienic. The treatment was awesome. So much relaxation after treatment and it remains longer. My experience was too good to describe. Dr.Salini is very nice person and a good ayurvedic practitioner..The team in the unit as well. Thanks to Ramdas for his recommendation about this place. Everyone who seeks relaxation through Ayurvedic treatment, should Saatwika. Next time I want to come here with my wife n family.

  • en

    Anilkumar Parameswaran


    Ayurvedic massage at Saatwika Ayurveda is great.There is no manipulation in their package.This is a genuine centre with lot of ethics and principles.They believe in pure ayurveda.

  • en

    Priya Felix


    I had been to Saatwika for 14 day for PCOD treatment.The treatment was very effective.My health is ok now.

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