Seventeen Degrees Hotel i Dhanbad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienSeventeen Degrees Hotel


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Sriram Mall, Ashok Nagar, Shastri Nagar, Dhanbad, Jharkhand 828106, India
kontakter telefon: +91 326 230 3869
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Latitude: 23.7824974, Longitude: 86.4153514

kommentar 5

  • Maharishi Singh

    Maharishi Singh


    Nice ambience and friendly staff. Delicious food for both veg and non-veg.

  • Pawanjeet Kumar

    Pawanjeet Kumar


    Service is a joke here in 17 degrees. Surprised to see its given 4.1*/5* for so called 3* star hotel. Not worth the money. Average quality food and very bad services. Might have to wait hours or so. For me 1 or hardly 2* out of 5*. You could find COCOON or SONOTEL much better than this.

  • Shatrunjay Prabhat

    Shatrunjay Prabhat


    Very nice place to have dinner. Good ambience and the taste as well. Do give a try and you will love it😃

  • Akash Paul

    Akash Paul


    Decent place for doing parties... Bookings for Wedding ceremonies or ring ceremonies or for any other occasion the rooms can be booked.. The staffs are very friendly,helpful and obedient.. There is a problem of parking ,and that's the only problem except everything is nice and fine.. Have a nice day..

  • Suryakant Pandey

    Suryakant Pandey


    Decent place to stay in Dhanbad. Rooms are nice and modern. Food quality is good and affordable. it's located in a roadside mall, hence don't expect proper car parking and reception. Rooms are not sound proof, so get ready to bear some discomfort around your sound sleep. Located little far away from station, therefore you must factor this as an important commuter's challenge.

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