Shivaji Stadium Station i New Delhi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienShivaji Stadium Station


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Baba Kharak Singh Road, 110001, New Delhi, New Delhi, IN Indien
kontakter telefon: +91
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Latitude: 28.6287814, Longitude: 77.2114009

kommentar 5

  • Saiju Chacko

    Saiju Chacko


    Located right in the heart of the city.Connaught place is on a walkable distance if u love to...Very approptiate for transit passengers to hold buisness meetings...lots of food joints. Well connected to private n public transport

  • madhumita patra

    madhumita patra


    Well maintained fully air conditioned . For changing yellow line we have to take exit . Airport like experience . The train is very comfortable and hi tech technology is used!

  • en

    sanjay mehdiratta


    One of the best metro station in Delhi is having a host of business inside apart from having the airport metro station. The station has VFS global outlet for processing foreign Visa application. The food outlets are good. India and bank has forex card outlet. The station has a neat washroom.

  • venkatesh kavali

    venkatesh kavali


    Very helpful to travel to and from the new Delhi Airport terminal 3. Metro available right outside the terminal 3 and very accessible. Less charge than hiring a cab to airport. Safe and secure. And for Air India you can check in at the shivaji stadium station itself without any waiting.

  • sarat chandra acharya

    sarat chandra acharya


    Nice location, Beautiful Metro station. Located in airport express way metro line. Good service. Enjoyable metro journey. Tight security arrangements. Staffs are cooperative. Arrival and departure boards are available. Always crowded. Refreshment stalls available in station. Lots of parking space available.

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