The Gateway Hotel Athwalines Surat i Surat

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IndienThe Gateway Hotel Athwalines Surat



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Ambika Niketan, Surat Dumas Road, Umra Gam, Athwa, Surat, Gujarat 395007, India
kontakter telefon: +91 261 669 7000
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Latitude: 21.177336, Longitude: 72.789774

kommentar 5

  • Swapnil Dangarikar

    Swapnil Dangarikar


    Been here thrice. Warm and friendly staff. Easy going rooms. Renovation is going on so lil congested temporarily but should be much better once done. Food can be improved though.

  • janak Patel

    janak Patel


    The location is just awesome. Above level 5, you get the view of the TAPI river flowing just next to the hotel. Also the rooms are highly specious and we'll interior decorated. Currently the main entrance of the hotel is being renovated. Also the Staff service is fast and having very nice behaviour with the customers and visitors. I would recommend all the foreigners as well as INDIANS to definitely book a room here whenever you visit Surat !

  • Raghvendra Agarwal

    Raghvendra Agarwal


    The room was neat and clean with a view of the river and the staff I came across were professional. Good service by staff during breakfast in Flow Cafe and tasty food in Diamond Hall. 4 stars for all this. Being a Taj property I did not like that when you have a full body scanner at the entrance and 2 trays to keep my wallet, phone, watch etc I am still being scanned by a hand scanner by the security personnel at a green light, kindly upgrade those scanners or please remove the existing ones for the sake of just being there. Second, I did not make more than 2 keys still one of my keys was getting deactivated over and again, stop giving the same reasons, upgrade the key system. Third, the door of the room was too heavy and would not stay in open position.

  • Kalpen Bandodkar

    Kalpen Bandodkar


    Liked the service.. We carried Liquor which was detected at the entrance, however they allowed it since we purchased it from the Duty free at the airport.. We stayed there for 1 night and 1 day accompanying some delegates from Nepal. It was just a business trip. The views are pleasant and very refreshing at Athwalines.. It will be a preferred choice of hotels for any Business or even family holiday in Surat..

  • Shrikrishna Oza

    Shrikrishna Oza


    The location is just awesome. Above level 5, you get the view of the TAPI river flowing just next to the hotel. Also the rooms are highly specious and we'll interior decorated. Currently the main entrance of the hotel is being renovated. Also the Staff service is fast and having very nice behaviour with the customers and visitors. I would recommend all the foreigners as well as INDIANS to definitely book a room here whenever you visit Surat !

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