The Trivandrum Hotel i Thiruvananthapuram

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IndienThe Trivandrum Hotel


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TC-26/1571, YMCA Road, Statue, Statue, Palayam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 471 233 4433
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Latitude: 8.495982, Longitude: 76.949025

kommentar 5

  • Somnath Kundu

    Somnath Kundu


    As we reached Kerala, our local friend picked up for a escorted tour of Trivandram. For lunch we told him we wish to taste the local food and the feel the ambiance of local hospitality. He suggested us to take to a place which he told us, will give us the feel if authenticity. He took us to Trivandrum Hotel for our first day lunch at Kerala. A old time heritage hotel, right in the heart of the city. As you approach and enter the hotel you feel the flavor of the Trivandrum Architecture. Very quite though near to busy activities. They have two separate restaurants for vegetarians and non-vegetarians. We chose the vegetarians one, as our friend is vegetarian, the name of the vegetarian restaurant is Turmeric. It has beautiful ambiance, spartan decor but totally traditional and wooden. Immaculately and traditionally dressed ladies served of lunch on banana leaf. We enjoyed one of the finest ethnic Travancore cuisine both visually and by taste. Price-wise it is bit higher side considering in is in south India and being vegetarian. The service is nice and overall experience is great.

  • Anser Shah

    Anser Shah


    Good restaurant and hotel near secratriate at statue Trivandrum. Small parking facility also available. Good food court and small clean rooms mini meeting hall also.

  • Harishankar R

    Harishankar R


    Went for lunch once quite accidentally. Meals are good. Esp with Natholi fry and Neimeen fry. One of the best neimeen i have tasted. Dinner well is not the cup of tea here. So for a good lunch, do visit.

  • Sharan Girija

    Sharan Girija


    It's a silent place to hang out during evening tea time. Can be a good place to have small team discussions and the food is also good. Reasonably priced.

  • anju madhu

    anju madhu


    I had gone to trivandrum hotel for lunch with family.. very good ambience... With soft music around...warm welcoming staff...good food... Only problem was that the restroom was not clean... But if u are looking for good food not planning to use restroom... Good choice...

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