Vivanta by Taj - Hari Mahal i Jodhpur

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IndienVivanta by Taj - Hari Mahal



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5, Residency Road, Surya Colony, Jodhpur, Rajasthan 342001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 291 243 9700
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Latitude: 26.2672281, Longitude: 73.0194964

kommentar 5

  • en

    Bhavin Lodaya


    Had an amazing experience. Its Vivanta by it gave me feeling of Palace property of Taj. Enjoyed the stay specially the staff at reception was so courteous and they also took care of the special request as few of my family members were Pure Jain. However they forgot to prepare the food in the breakfast even after requesting the same a night prior. But chef was quick and made it immediately the next morning. Also felt the breakfast staff needs to be more attentive.

  • Rishul Bangar

    Rishul Bangar


    We stayed here for 2 nights and it was simple amazing! We loved the food especially the breakfast buffet. The rooms are so well made and they have a royal essence to them. The staff was very homely and the swimming pool is beautifully located.

  • Sachin Vaishnav

    Sachin Vaishnav


    True luxury place... Nice food.. good staff n service

  • en



    Fabulous Chinese restaurant. Worth visiting. Service impeccable. Chef very friendly and courteous. Great experience

  • en

    Paras Majmudar


    It’s is a very beautiful property to stay. The rooms are good and service is also good. Food needs a special mention as it’s very tasty and has varieties. Very near to airport but quite far from main market (nayi sadak or clock tower area). Definitely I would recommend it to stay if you can afford it.

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