Vivanta By Taj - Trivandrum, Kerala i Thiruvananthapuram

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IndienVivanta By Taj - Trivandrum, Kerala



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CV Raman Pillai Road, 695014, Thiruvananthapuram, Thiruvananthapuram, IN India
kontakter telefon: +91 471 661 2345
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Latitude: 8.4972588, Longitude: 76.9581236

kommentar 5

  • sujith kumar

    sujith kumar


    I stayed there for a business trip with my other colleagues. This is my first visit to Vivanta. The service was just amazing. The support staffs has been excellent, they never hesitate in helping us whenever we called them. On a short notice they have arranged a big hall ready for our colleagues to work right away. Room services also very good and they were very polite all the time. Price wise it's costly, but their quality is right up there. My room was very neat and the security system is very good. I liked the city view from my room in the early morning. I personally liked the morning buffet, lot of varieties, fruits and fresh juices. I didn't get a chance to try the pool or spa. Overall great experience.

  • Celeste Francis

    Celeste Francis


    It's a quiet and cool place like. Google give you the entrance from the back. I like Twist in Taj which is a bar and provides one of the best servings. The only thing is there is no smoking area and hence have to step out and do it. This could clearly kill the vibe of the person.

  • Anil Sukumaran

    Anil Sukumaran


    The experience in the hotel is excellent, starting from welcome, hospitality, restaurant services, is so good. The package deal may be more suitable. The rooms are spacious and well kept. The food is good at the restaurant. Fantastic beers, cocktails and spirits available at bar. Sunday brunch is awesome.

  • Divya Chaudhry

    Divya Chaudhry


    An amazing and hospitable place to stay. The hotel staff is extraordinarily helpful. The front desk officers are all brilliant and well-spoken. Restaurants offer multiple cuisines, are well-managed and provide delicious food. Thanks everyone, especially Ms Rajitha, for making our stay memorable. Will visit again. God bless you all - you all are doing a splendid job!

  • Jaibir Sethi

    Jaibir Sethi


    Went there for a weekend visit. An exceptional experience. This was perhaps the best service I've experienced in a hotel. Really felt like a home away from home. The staff were warm, helpful and friendly. The hotel itself has the usual trappings - two restaurants, a bar, pool and health club. The food was great, excellent spread for breakfast. The rooms are well appointed and reasonably spacious. It's located near the city centre in a non tourist area. Enough shopping and food options around. Overall, highly recommend the hotel.

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