Art Book Center i Ahmedabad

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IndienArt Book Center



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Near Jain Temple, Madalpur, Near Underpass, Ellishbridge, Madalpur Gam, Paldi, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380006, India
kontakter telefon: +91 79 2658 2130
internet side:
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Latitude: 23.0215642, Longitude: 72.5687219

kommentar 5

  • Mohit Vamsi

    Mohit Vamsi


    Rich and lovely place! It's a treasure of art, culture, history related to textiles, architecture. Great collection of books and diaries. Discovered it by chance and this is the best thing that happened to me in ahmedabad. The owner, Manharbhai is a true gentleman.

  • Xara Hauzel

    Xara Hauzel


    Amazing collection of books on art and design. I highly recommend people to visit this place. However, the collections are not for rent and no photocopy is allowed. The owner doesn't allow prople to take down notes within the shop. Not sire about the prices of the books though.

  • Yash Shrivastava

    Yash Shrivastava


    Paradise for book lovers. Specially for interiors design , architecture and textile design.

  • Nijaya I

    Nijaya I


    Wonderful and resourceful book shop. Friend Lin, family service mind. Happy to recommend book lovers to visit and easily spend 1-2 hours there.

  • Jon L Albee

    Jon L Albee


    Small above-ground apartment crammed with every imaginable book about the art and architecture of India. Both new and used books. Great prices. Friendly and helpful owner. It's worth going out of your way to visit, and don't let the location put you off.

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