Barakhamba Road i New Delhi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienBarakhamba Road


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Barakhamba Road, 110001, New Delhi, New Delhi, IN India
kontakter telefon: +91
internet side:
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Latitude: 28.6299073, Longitude: 77.2241589

kommentar 5

  • P L Arora

    P L Arora


    Best place, near Connaught plaCe,

  • Popcorn Y

    Popcorn Y


    Today I am going to Cannaught Place KHADI INDIA place via karakhana.. today new experience in this both place.. coz low traffic and pollution almost control bcoz today it's sunday nd office's & banks holiday. But be careful M block market side coz active a little child gang .. any time he snatching your cell, wallet nd watch..This incident happened today to me & Others People..He put my hand in my back pocket to remove my wallet And when I caught him hand, he said that dogs bite us... One of them is also the problem. It does not want to work, it just feels good to ask...If you give them once, they will be lagging behind all the day and if they refuse, then they will be going behind you like you have spoiled them. And it does not stop even if your car is parked then the car can not escape. I show you this incident side.. Guy's be careful Nowadays the police is not here, So you protect yourself and valuable things..

  • Shabaaz Mansoori

    Shabaaz Mansoori


    The Barakhambha Road (Hindi: बाराखम्भा मार्ग) Metro Station is located on the Blue Line of the Delhi Metro.[1] It was constructed by the Shapoorji Pallonji Group.[2] It is located on Barakhamba Road near Modern School and the Statesman House, which houses many offices, banks, the Oxford bookstore and numerous other commercial institutions.

  • satish kumar

    satish kumar


    बहुत अच्छा स्टेशन है अंदर ग्राउंड है मस्त-मस्त पेंटिंग

  • Pawan Kapoor

    Pawan Kapoor


    This place has many of the office complexes and is centrally located. I was one those lucky one to office there..

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