Biju Patnaik International Airport i Bhubaneswar

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IndienBiju Patnaik International Airport


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Airport Road, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751020, India
kontakter telefon: +91 674 259 6305
internet side:
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Latitude: 20.2506772, Longitude: 85.8145311

kommentar 5

  • subham jindal

    subham jindal


    The airport is really good. The cleanliness of the whole airport is maintained properly. The airport contains three to four charging port, around five shoes cleaner, and three food court. There are five gates and two terminal in this airport. The surrounding of the airport is really good as the whole area has a beautifully maintained garden with proper lighting. All total India's first smart city has a great airport.

  • Sampad Kumar Swain

    Sampad Kumar Swain


    Pretty ok but not modernized as compared to other airports in India. Its the main airport of State Odisha. The new terminal is awesome but user friendly. Small airport in area but well maintained. The parking service is very bad. Private cabs are available 24hrs. The staff are very polite and friendly.Overall its a good airport in Odisha.

  • Sambit Pattanayak

    Sambit Pattanayak


    Biju Patnaik International Airport, is situated in the Indian city of Bhubaneswar, Odisha. It is the only international airport in the state. The new terminal is awesome and user friendly. But a lot more work to be done for making it to at par with other airports in India. It's close proximity to city is most welcome aspects of this airport. The Only bad part i found of this airport is that the parking services is bad. you have to be out of the toll within 5 min of your entry otherwise they will charge you. Even if you are coming to drop some of your friends/relatives and not parking the vehicle, but still if you cross 5 min post your entry, then also you will be liable to pay the toll fee. This is real bad part of the Biju Patnaik Internation Airport. Rest all is quite nice and charming. Cheers, Sam

  • Ankit Sahu

    Ankit Sahu


    Pretty much okay type of airport. Not much stalls outside. And the best part is that it is situated inside the city. So you don't have to drive outskirts to get to this airport, as compared to other big cities. The communication is pretty much good. There are direct buses available from the airport to Puri. Looks small from the outside. Lots of parking space. The inside is very cleaned.

  • sarat chandra acharya

    sarat chandra acharya


    Very nice and busy airport. Small but well maintained. Very much clean with all modern amenities. Nice environment and location. Good service. International flight service started from here. ATM and pre paid taxi booth available. Lots of parking space available here.

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