Breeze Residency i Tiruchirappalli

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienBreeze Residency


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3/14, McDonald's Road, Melapudur, Sangillyandapuram, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu 620001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 431 241 4414
internet side:
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Latitude: 10.798086, Longitude: 78.684254

kommentar 5

  • en

    Rajesh KR


    The price is high and the cleanliness of the room is not up to the mark. Complementary breakfast was v.good and up to the mark. The room interior looks aged, especially toilet doors and fittings. Very spacious car parking.

  • en

    amith gokarn


    Best Hotel in Trichy, Room was very spacious and comfortable with all amenities. Breakfast and food was delicious. Parking was comfortably available. Staff were very well behaved and hospitable. Over all had very good experience. Only I request hotel to provide free Wifi services to the Guests which will be very helpful

  • Satish Kumar

    Satish Kumar


    The price is too high and value for money takes a back seat. The cleanliness of the rooms are not up to the mark. Food also needs lot of improvement. Trichy is a big town and the hotel management should keep up the standards accordingly. The sound from the road is disturbing at night times. I would suggest the management to fit sound proof windows.

  • en

    Magnus Bergmann Carstensen


    First the good stuff: close to bus and train station. The rooms were fine and at least not dirty. The reception was cool The bad stuff: cleaning staff barged into my room more than 4-5 times a day for weird reasons. When I tried to talk to one he began touching me in a sexual manner. Unexcusable and felt very uncomfortable. The restaurant staff didn't let me eat alone, they also stared at me the whole time. Nothing wrong with being curious, I'm also maybe the only foreigner . But when you pay overprice for a "fine restaurant" at your own hotel, you sometimes hope for just a little peace 😂. The pool was filled with screaming kids. Stay for one night and leave.

  • en

    Ramakrishnan Tharmalingam


    located close to the bus station with good road frontage and access, it was a nice place for stay of all groups of people - family, friends, single. couple. Pleasant looking, well maintained and furnished rooms with ample space, goods restaurant providing tasty and variety food items. Nice stay.

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