Café Coffee Day - Barakhamba Road i Delhi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienCafé Coffee Day - Barakhamba Road



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Delhi House, Barakhamba Road, Barakhamba Road, Delhi, 110001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 93120 07328
internet side:
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Latitude: 28.6303813, Longitude: 77.223231

kommentar 5

  • Rohit agrawal

    Rohit agrawal


    Good ...ok

  • Hrideswee Sharma

    Hrideswee Sharma


    Preparation is excellent but lacks a bit in ambience

  • en

    Gopal Garg


    All the time I visit here, either tomato sauce is missing or mustard sauce is missing and sometimes both are missing.. really bad

  • Saurabh Kumar

    Saurabh Kumar


    Located inside new Delhi house near to the metro gate. Good place for business meetings. You can order from table.

  • Narendra nath Dutta

    Narendra nath Dutta


    Average coffee joint just outside gate no 6 barakhamba metro station. Quiet centrally located and usually see greater footfalls during the day hours as it is just outside the major office complexes. Good for coffee but teas are exorbitantly costly and not worth. A cup of Darjeeling tea costs 110/ plus taxes for teas there are better places but u can trust ad try different variations of hot and cold coffee combos with snacks and won't regret

nærmeste Cafe

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