Chinese Visa Application Service Centre i New Delhi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienChinese Visa Application Service Centre



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Connaught Place, Baba Kharak Singh marg, Shivaji Stadium Metro Station, Hanuman Road Area, Connaught Place, New Delhi, Delhi 110001, Indien
kontakter telefon: +91 11 3001 3601
internet side:
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Latitude: 28.6288196, Longitude: 77.2113496

kommentar 5

  • en

    Luqman M


    I share my experience for the sake those struggling with recent delays in getting Visa through Travel Agents: Due to some reason, they are accepting very limited applications from each Agent per day. On the other hand, if we appear directly for our own application, it is relatively much easier and faster. Just take note of the following points which are valid at the time of this post, but may keep changing: - reach the center by 8 and Que up if you wish to finish off submission early. - Express Visa Application is not accepted after 11 AM - For Express Visa, Flight Itinerary & Covering Letter from Employer / Business Firm is a must in addition to Invitation from China - Bring all required printouts with you. There is no printing facility in the Center. Black & White prints available at OneVasco on the next floor but it opens at 9 only. Colour print is available in the market (exit the building, turn right & walk till you see a Temple on your right, take the next right turn, It opens only after 10 AM, which is too tight if Express submission) - Laptops, Tablets & Water bottles are not allowed inside. These have to be deposited at Cloak room upstairs (near VFS entrance). - Collection is after 3 PM even though they will say after 2 PM. For collection also people start Queing up after 2 PM and token is given. - Payment to be done at the time of Collection. Generally the staff are professional and well behaved. The shops in this building are so expensive, charging 50 Rs. For a small bottle of water. I have shared tips on the matter in detail on my blog: journeybliss-dot- com

  • Muhammad owez

    Muhammad owez


    Inside service is ok but if you are there for some of your family members visa aplication(not your own or the member whose aplication you are submitting is not present at that time), you have to wait outside office likes ages in agents queue since you will be considered as agent in that case, and agents have reservation so no matter how early you come you will be placed after atleast 150 agent, although its a first come first serve service, and more stressful thing is while waiting outside you they dont have any waiting area, or any kind of seating arrangement, but if you are there for your own visa aplication then its way more smoother and faster process.....

  • Sandeep Kanojia

    Sandeep Kanojia


    स्टफ में सभी अच्छा काम करते है । 3-10 छुट्टी तक पड़ती है इसके बाद बहुत भीड़ मार मेरी होती है वीसा जमा करने के लिए। जिनके पास 1 या 2 वीसा आवेदन होता है उनको भी इंतजार करना पड़ता है देर तक ।

  • en

    rajan bhutani


    Very friendly and cooperative staff... Keep it up ..

  • en



    It was a great assistance with very friendly behaviour, I would like to recall one person for this feedback, her name was " Ishwari " she was very helpful for me bcos I was actually newbie to visa procedures and documentation as well. I would like to conquer thanks to all of them who does great things in the name of human being. My warmest Regards to each one Chander Kant

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