Defence Bakery Since 1962 i New Delhi

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IndienDefence Bakery Since 1962



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21, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, 110001, New Delhi, New Delhi, IN India
kontakter telefon: +91 11 4669 8829
internet side:
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Latitude: 28.627744, Longitude: 77.2217685

kommentar 5

  • Shubham Mishra

    Shubham Mishra


    One of the best Cake Shop in CP.. I ordered eggless Black Forest.. And it was beyond my expectations..👌👌 Rate = Reasonable..👍

  • Deep



    Lovable items here.

  • Fatima Mohsin

    Fatima Mohsin


    The place is located in an office complex and offers basic bakery items. They do not offer vivid options with the beverages but they do have a good variety of cookies and pastries. The sitting area has two picnic benches in open and is clean.

  • Aparna Gaurav Gupta

    Aparna Gaurav Gupta


    Great cakes and sandwiches.. in love with this place

  • jaideep khanduja

    jaideep khanduja


    There is a space crunch inside this small cubicle like outlet. But outside there is ample space to stand and enjoy your favorite pastries, breads, coffee, snacks etc. Best way is to go inside, order your stuff, pay the bill, and come outside. In fact, there are two tables outside in case you want to sit and enjoy these high quality products. Mostly people prefer to take away. They also deliver around within a vicinity of 4-5 kilometres. This is the third generation running this business started in 1962.

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