Dr. Anup Razdan - Best Dental Clinic in Chanakyapuri i New Delhi

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IndienDr. Anup Razdan - Best Dental Clinic in Chanakyapuri



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DENTAL STUDIO & IMPLANT CENTRE 25, Shopping Arcade Lobby Hotel Ashok, 50-B, Diplomatic Enclave, Chanakyapuri, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi, Delhi 110021, India
kontakter telefon: +91 98182 63377
internet side: www.dentalstudioimplantcentre.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 28.597202, Longitude: 77.195855

kommentar 2

  • en

    alison jackson


    I have been a patient of Dr Razdan for some 8 years, and am very happy to recommend his services to others. I am British, based in the UK, but travel to India frequently as a tourist - Dr Razdan always manages to fit in my treatment with my holiday plans, and he is very flexible. He is highly competetent and I have been very impressed with the work he has carried out - I have had 8 implants and several root canal treatments as well as other minor work. I attended his previous clinic in south Delhi but the new one in the Ashok Hotel is a huge improvement - easy to access, bright and well equipped - I wish him every success.

  • en

    Rahul Singh


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