FabHotel Royal Castle Gandhipuram i Coimbatore

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IndienFabHotel Royal Castle Gandhipuram



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Hotel Royal Castle Inn, No. 145, 7th Street Extension, Gandhipuram, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641012, India
kontakter telefon: +91 70424 24242
internet side: www.fabhotels.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 11.021447, Longitude: 76.965997

kommentar 5

  • en

    Neeraj Sharma


    Good hotel located in main bazaar. Staff was polite and helpful. If you are going with family note that they have only few rooms with king size bed so if they are occupied other rooms would have 2 single bed which can be joined but would still be small for 2 adults and 2 small children's.

  • en

    Rajkumar Ramachandran


    Hotel is good with clean rooms and toilet, enough car parks and provides a standard south indian complementary breakfast. Good enough if you are here for a short 1 or 2 day stay.

  • Sree Perambuduru Ramakrishna

    Sree Perambuduru Ramakrishna


    Fantastic budget hotel.. Staff is excellent... Though it looks small hotel but ambience is at par to star hotel.. I strongly recommends this hotel

  • mounika Pratapa

    mounika Pratapa


    Booking this hotel was one of the best decisions we took. it is very close to bus stop in Coimbatore. it's location is one of the greatest plus points as it provides access to all the main places like Isha and other local tours. The hotel is absolutely well maintained with clean bedsheets, towels and other linens. Fabhotel's house keeping services are par excellent providing a memorable experience to guests who stay there. The hotel even provides excellent breakfast with a great spread of south indian varieties. Would love to visit again.

  • Prakash RM

    Prakash RM


    Located at prime location with good parking facility. hospitality is very good. Ambience is good. Overall good place to check in when u visit cotton city. Good place for both official and family visit.

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