Fish Point (Best Aquarium Shop) i NewDelhi

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IndienFish Point (Best Aquarium Shop)



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162 - A, 1st Floor, Sarojini Nagar Market, Sarojini Nagar Market, Sarojini Nagar, NewDelhi, Delhi 110023, Indien
kontakter telefon: +91 11 2467 9460
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Latitude: 28.576742, Longitude: 77.196177

kommentar 5

  • Digital Umaid

    Digital Umaid


    Great place to buy number of variety of fishes. Its placed at the centre of market at the busiest ladies shopping place in Delhi. We can find the end number of beautiful fishes even for salt water, foods for them and beautiful decoration for aquarium. Fishes here are bit expensive but they deserve that because there is no diseases to any fish as they are stored in clean water which keeps them healthy.

  • en

    Krishna Das


    Excellent place Large variety Neat and clean Freindly staff Appropriate Product explanation given by them Very nice guidance Reasonable prices Very good marine fishes are available Overall a very good place

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    Chitra Arora


    Nice place to buy fishes exotic fishes available. Love buying fishes from there

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    Prajwal Shetty


    The place is open only to loot customers. We bought a tank worth ₹3500 plus livestock summing upto ₹4600. However, the same tank is available opposite to DLF mall, Saket at mere ₹1500 and fishes cost half the price. One star is given only for the variety of fishes they have. Please defer from visiting this shop.

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    Chin Khuptong


    I bought my first collection of guppies from this place during November, 2016. I do agree with views of other reviewers regarding the high price of fishes and plants, but then which other shop in Delhi have such a variety of collection and choices. They stock fish food, equipments and almost anything you'd need for aquarium maintenance. The shop looks well maintained at first glance, then on close observation you'd find small dead fishes stuck to the filter sponges or floating around in some of the tanks. Since the other shops i have visited don't keep guppies, i ended buying my guppies here. So three stars for the diverse collection. If not for the dead fishes in some of the tanks, i would have frequented this place.

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