Fun City w Chennai

IndieFun City



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Whites Road, 600002, Chennai, Chennai, IN India
kontakt telefon: +91 44 2846 4006
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Latitude: 13.0583729, Longitude: 80.2638284

komentarze 5

  • Madhavan Krishnamachari

    Madhavan Krishnamachari


    I think they've done a great job at coming up with something like this. It's been there for some years now but it's still fun. The rides and games are mostly for children but there are stuff for adults also. The bowling alley is good, although a bit pricey. Always go there only for the bowling. Nice ambient lighting and it is changed to a cool blue post 7pm which makes the whole alley look cool. Great place to enjoy for the kids, instead of having to go to trade fairs or amusement parks.

  • Udaya Bhaskar

    Udaya Bhaskar


    Fun city Is the best place for Fun!!! It's a special place for families!! Kids can enjoy playing different kinds of games and rides...There is always some crowd, So the period of playing a game is expected to be less...And shops are a bit pricey!! Its a great place!!

  • Afifa Fathima

    Afifa Fathima


    Fun city is a gaming center located inside the Express avenue mall (3rd floor). This place has quite a lot of games to play. Both kids and adults can play games here. The problem here is that it's over priced and it really hot inside which makes gaming experience...not so nice sometimes. My personal favourite is the mini Tagada. It's really fun but can sometimes get a little painful. Also.. the bowling is good, but again, overpriced. The rest is upto the person who visits and what he/she chooses to like or dislike.

  • inzamam ul-haq

    inzamam ul-haq


    Great place for child entertainment. Parents also may enjoy accordingly some games. Many people don't know about the games and winning tickets and thereafter using the tickets we can buy gifts. Please check properly the enjoying games.

  • hugros Inc

    hugros Inc


    A good place for taking your kids for fun. There are lot of game stations and rides available. You have to take the fun city game card for accessing the rides. The card can be topped up as per your requirement and there are some schemes with benefit which will give you extra points on you amount spend. There are staffs available to help you out with your queries.

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