Funtasia Water Park i Patna

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IndienFuntasia Water Park



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Sampatchak-Parsa Road, Sampatchak, Patna, Bihar 804453, India
kontakter telefon: +91 94302 22875
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Latitude: 25.5416117, Longitude: 85.1597627

kommentar 5

  • en

    Virat Vaibhav


    I had visited this place once. It was the only water park then, though the connectivity is bad. Its located in remote rural area. Slides are basic, more slides should be made. A small park. You should go with friends here, you will enjoy.

  • Shubham das

    Shubham das


    Very good place to visit. Unlimited fun with family. I recommend this. Live music.

  • Ravi Gupt

    Ravi Gupt


    This place is very good and adventurous. One of the best water park in patna. Best for kids and young. If U want to enjoy with little n good crowd then go into the weekday (Sunday) & Thursday. Nice Place

  • Yashraj Kumar

    Yashraj Kumar


    Water park is actually describe this place. Lot of different slides. Full of fun. I enjoyed a lot. Nice place for youngsters. Overall superb in all categories.

  • en

    Rahul Rathore


    It's the only water park in Patna. There are only 6 rides for adults, excluding the wave pool. Pools are shallow and small as per the crowd it attracts. Overall it's nice to have fun. Charges are high as per facilities. 350 RS Mon to Fri and 450 RS Sat and Sun.

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