GCC Hotel and Club i Mira Bhayandar

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IndienGCC Hotel and Club


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Off, Mira Bhayandar Road, 401107, Mira Bhayandar, Thane, IN India
kontakter telefon: +91 22 2811 0822
internet side: www.gcchotelandclub.com
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Latitude: 19.282983, Longitude: 72.8787035

kommentar 5

  • en

    Loukik Dhonde


    Attended a wedding at this club. Its a hotel with luxurious rooms, conference rooms, banquet halls, lawns and 3 restaurants. Arrangement were good. Food was also nice. Overall a good experience. Restaurant only serves vegetarian food.

  • Vrishabh Patel

    Vrishabh Patel


    The food is good, the staff is well trained. The place is great. Perfect venue to host events such as weddings, reception, parties, etc. It also has open grounds as well as AC Halls. Also, they have a restaurant here which is a bit expensive but the food here is amazing. There's also a swimming pool where you can learn swimming and there's space to play other sports too.

  • en

    Mohit Agarwal


    Nice place to visit with kids n family. Party hall are available. The place look very high standard from outside . The service is also good . Its one of the best places to visit. And a very good place for arranging partys n function n birthdays n all other function. There is parking space also available here . The halls are very nice . The lights are also very nice over here . This place can been seen from a very big distance also it is a standard place to visit . The staff members are also very helpful here.

  • Haseeb Khan

    Haseeb Khan


    Good club but its little bit crowded. Many functions are simultaneously held. Parking facility is poor. You often have to park outside. But its only decent club in Mira Road. Little bit costly and trendy. Swimming pool is nice.

  • Anil Sukumaran

    Anil Sukumaran


    One of the best place to stay in Mira road east. Very well connected to highway. Easy access to the airports (domestic and international). The facilities are available to the members and their guests.Good in room dining as well as a nice pool side restaurant. Good ambiance. The internet facility is very bad and not reliable.

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