Green Park International Stadium, Kanpur i Kanpur

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IndienGreen Park International Stadium, Kanpur


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Green Park, Permat Stock Exchange building Chauraha, D.A.V. College, Opp. HDFC Bank, Green Park, Permat, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh 208001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 512 230 6553
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Latitude: 26.4820493, Longitude: 80.3477544

kommentar 5

  • Shubham Srivastava

    Shubham Srivastava


    1) good venue. 2) moderate clean 3) nice stadium 4) good 360° view 5) affordable

  • License to learn

    License to learn


    Located on the banks of the river Ganges, Kanpur's Green Park stadium was named after Madam Green, who used to practice horse-riding at the venue in the 1940s. Established in 1945, the stadium has taken different forms, but has not managed to host international games on a regular basis. The floodlights, which were installed in 2006, are slightly low when compared to most of the grounds in India. One of the reasons why the venue does not host day-night matches currently is that the shadow of the newly constructed Director Stand covers a large portion of the outfield. Usha Lal, the regional sports officer at the Green Park stadium, had admitted that it was a structural fault and the ground is soon expected to get new floodlights, which will accommodate day-night contests.

  • Sumit Dey

    Sumit Dey


    This place is very beautiful, amazing and superb........Me and my family go to see the Green Park stadium in Kanpur.......we are enjoying very much......there are good arrangement of food...... good place for photography....I request who are go to kanpur please visit this place.....there are many shops for shopping.... Wish you a very wonderful day....... Thank you...............

  • en

    Yuva S


    Green Park stadium, Kanpur. It's a international stadium which is first stadium of Uttar Pradesh, India. It's located at the best place of Kanpur which is a famous city of India which is famous for leather industry. It's stadium organized many international cricket matches and many other types of sports. It's established on 1945 and owned by the government of Uttar Pradesh. first match played here on 1952 which is a test match. Capacity of this stadium is approximate 35000.

  • Prashant Chauhan

    Prashant Chauhan


    This is an International Cricket Stadium. The pride of Kanpur. Many sports activities are conducted here. Needs to be properly maintained.

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