Hotel Diamond Plaza i Chandigarh

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienHotel Diamond Plaza


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SCO 2927-28, Sec-22C, Opposite Markfed, Sector 22C, 22C, Sector 22, Chandigarh, 160022, India
kontakter telefon: +91 172 504 9999
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Latitude: 30.728519, Longitude: 76.7672681

kommentar 5

  • en

    Abishek v.j


    Hotel Diamond plaza is a good hotel to stay at sector 22c,nice and well maintained rooms no power issues or water problems...toilet was clean...they have their own restaurant and dinning hall but just 800 metres from there ,hotel Aroma , McDonald and cafe coffee day all are there so food will not be a troublesome because u have plenty of options for having food..... Customer care is also good...overall a good place to stay

  • Sandeep Kumar

    Sandeep Kumar


    Very nice hotel, staff is good and caring. Good food. Best hotel at the price which they charge.

  • Vikram singh

    Vikram singh


    A nice hotel for stayin.... Bt always remeber to book before ariving for being on a saffer side

  • V J

    V J


    Pathetic place to visit n stay... Food is gud bt the hygeine is too bad... Dirty walls n dirty beds.. ac was broken... Half of the things in the room were not working.. while check out... Dey charged money for extra water bottles.. we consumed 4..they charged for 7... Wot is dis...dere shud b a limit to everything.. Guess wot...ours was REGAL ROOM... think abt d condition of other rooms.. we left n booked another hotel.. For breakfast...dey vil ask u wot u vil have... No paneer parantha vil b they hav written it in menu... u vil hav to ask for complementary things on reception again n again...lot of chindi chori.. Very very bad experience..

  • Sumit Sharma

    Sumit Sharma


    This is one of the amazing hotels I ve found in all my stays in Chandigarh. Food, rooms, staff etc is all very good at the price they charge. Create no problems at all. I stayed here for a week once and then again for 2 days. You need not worry much when choosing this.

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