Hotel Nami Residency i Ahmedabad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienHotel Nami Residency


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Opp. V S Hospital, Ellisbridge Ashram Road, Madalpur Gam, Paldi, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380006, India
kontakter telefon: +91 90999 17777
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Latitude: 23.0206787, Longitude: 72.5700225

kommentar 5

  • Milan Vyas

    Milan Vyas


    Comfortable place to stay, awsome food near by areas are not quite good but still 4/5 for food and service.

  • Nitish Belwalkar

    Nitish Belwalkar


    Nice hotel to stay... Food is good location is good but surrounding area is not that good.... Hotel have own spa on 2nd floor .... Room service is nice ... Drums of heaven chicken is awesome

  • Aadil Desai

    Aadil Desai


    This is a nice hotel on the main road at Ashram Road in Ahmedabad in the main city area close to most of the sight seeing places, shopping and eating out locations. Has a nice restaurant serving veg and non-veg food too. Good clean rooms and well stocked mini bar and snack items at reasonable prices. Good and friendly service staff too.

  • Shreshth Vats

    Shreshth Vats


    Nice hotel altogether. Food was excellent Rooms are small, cozy and have all the required amenities. Room Service is a bit slow. Management attitude is very good and they are least bothered about what you do.

  • Sarfraz Panjwani

    Sarfraz Panjwani


    Nice budget hotel in the heart of Ahmedabad with breakfast. Located Opp. V S hospital, Ellis Bridge, Main Ashram Road. Cozy rooms with attached bath. Running hot and cold water. TV, intercom etc. Credit cards accepted. Nice welcoming staff.

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