Hotel Oyster i Chandigarh

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IndienHotel Oyster


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SCO 1-2-3, Sector 17 - A, 17A, Sector 17, Chandigarh, Punjab 160017, India
kontakter telefon: +91 172 508 0666
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Latitude: 30.7430459, Longitude: 76.7866572

kommentar 5

  • Nimit Sajal

    Nimit Sajal


    Everything is perfect except for parking service. Hotel Oyester doesn't have it's own parking area so if you have to park your vehicle you have to park it in front of the hotel and then they will charge you 20 RS each time you 0ark it. That's because this parking is not of any one hotel but it is a public parking service which any one can avail. So, that's the only thing missing here otherwise it's a perfect hotel to stay.

  • Milind Vora

    Milind Vora


    Good decent hotel, with small little rooms and all basic amenities. Great bed, good bathroom and toiletries, great TV. Location is not that great, most people staying along were transit people who are put up by their respective agents. Rooms at available at half of rack rate online and guess that's how they work on bookings, all agent setting, nothing for walkin.

  • en

    Sachin Gupta


    A lovely budget hotel to stay in. Amenities in rooms are more than expected. Liquor is super cheap. Food is good but it will cost a bomb. U may want to eat outside. Staff is very helpful and courteous.

  • en

    Abhijeet Gandre


    Decent hotel at sector 17A, walkable distance from Rock Garden.. peaceful and clean locality. Good market to buy clothes nearby. Small rooms, smaller beds.. good breakfast but no fruit juice.. In all ok place considering cost ( I paid 2300.00 per night)

  • Aryan Sharma

    Aryan Sharma


    The hotel is at the prime location of sector 17. We went there for some drinks and staff was good enough to guide us. We had some drinks and service was also great. We were offered some snacks too. The hotel is not too expensive for some drinks and one can enjoy the ambiance too. Over experience was good and food was also good.

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