Hotel Ritz Plaza i Amritsar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IndienHotel Ritz Plaza


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45, The Mall, INA Colony, Amritsar, Punjab 143001, India
kontakter telefon: +91 183 256 2836
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Latitude: 31.6414486, Longitude: 74.8696281

kommentar 5

  • Prasenjit Pal

    Prasenjit Pal


    A comfortable and clean place... a well managed and homely place on the Mall road of Amritsar and easily accessible from both the Railway station and the Bus stand... the airport is also within good reach.....

  • Yash Jain

    Yash Jain


    I would love to stay there one more time never thought of such luxury and the time when I visited it . The area was too cold but enjoyed the hell out this place . And staff is very good and very helpful if there is any need you can contact them directly . Kept the room warm and that helped us the most .

  • en

    Hemant Sharma


    One of the oldest hotel in the town. Known for its hospitality and professionalism. Situated in the heart of the town. To maintain the property itself is the challenge but not netting the expections the Team has surpassed the same. Beautifully designed and managed with Best quality food served with smiling faces all around.

  • en

    Aakash kapoor


    Bathrooms, lifts and the swimming pool could have been better . Was satisfied with the staff and the stay . A peaceful place to stay with connecting doors within two rooms !! Comfortable beds and very responsive and understanding staff

  • Ankita



    Old world charm with big rooms. Maintenance not that great. Food overpriced but good. Overall nice ambience. Very helpful staff. Overall, pleasant stay.

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